John E. Collins Gene Annotations. John E. Collins Trust Genome Campus. John E. Collins Project Scientific Reports.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"Jennifer L. Ashurst and John E. Collins
John E Collins, The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton
Cambridge CB10 1SA, United Kingdom; email:

John E Collins Key Words human genome, manual annotation, ab initio prediction
n Abstract Fifty years after the publication of DNA structure, the whole human
genome sequence will be officially finished. John E Collins, This achievement marks the beginning of
the task to catalogue every human gene and identify each of their function expression

John E Collins Currently, researchers estimate that there are about 30,000 human genes
and approximately 70% of these can be automatically predicted using a combination
of ab initio and similarity-based programs.

John E Collins However, to experimentally investigate every gene’s function, the research community requires a high-quality annotation of alternative splicing, pseudogenes, and promoter regions that can only be provided by manual intervention. John E Collins, Manual curation of the human genome will be a long-term project as experimental data are continually produced to confirm or refine the predictions, and new features such as noncoding RNAs and enhancers have not been fully identified.

Such a highly curated human gene-set made publicly available will be a great asset for the experimental community and for future comparative genome projects."  ~ John E. Collins

Source of John E. Collins Post


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