A Veteran Judge, Never a Prosecutor, Is Seen as Well Suited to Investigate the Governor - Judith S. Kaye - David A. Paterson - New York Courts

Thursday, March 11, 2010

"" The new chief investigator who stepped into the spotlight in place of Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo on Thursday was a judge for a quarter century, not only in title but also in temperament.

Cuomo Hands Paterson Case to an Ex-Judge
(March 12, 2010)

Times Topic: Judith S. Kaye

That, say people who know the state’s retired chief judge, Judith S. Kaye, may be a strong enough résumé point to make up for a lack of prosecutorial experience as she takes over the politically volatile investigation of Gov. David A. Paterson and his administration. In a long legal career, she never worked as a prosecutor.

But her appointment could add to the investigation’s credibility, said George Bundy Smith, who served with Judge Kaye as a judge on the state’s Court of Appeals until he retired in 2006. “She will be objective, and that is the main thing you look for in an investigation like this,” Judge Smith said.

In a statement on Thursday, Judge Kaye thanked Mr. Cuomo for entrusting her “with these serious and important matters.”

“I promise,” Judge Kaye added, “that the public will have a full, fair and independent accounting of the facts.”

Former prosecutors said that though Judge Kaye lacked a track record of making prosecution decisions herself, her career on the state’s highest court and, before that, as a litigator in civil cases, provided her with many of the skills needed to navigate not only the management but also the political sensitivities of the investigation.

“Regardless of what decision she reaches, her decision will be respected because of who she is and what she brings to the table,” said Alan Vinegrad, a former United States attorney in Brooklyn.

Judge Kaye, 71, was first appointed to the court in 1983 by the current attorney general’s father, Gov. Mario M. Cuomo.

She became chief judge in 1993 and was widely praised when she retired as the longest-serving chief judge in 2008.

Mr. Paterson said at the time that she would “go down in history as one of the greatest chief judges this state has ever had.”

Benito Romano, a former United States attorney in Manhattan, said that Judge Kaye’s reputation as a careful judge might be exactly what was needed to calm political anxieties. “It should provide people who are concerned about the decision being driven by politics with great reassurance,” Mr. Romano said.

On the court, Judge Kaye was considered liberal on some issues, including gay marriage and the death penalty. But she often sided with the prosecution in criminal cases and sometimes said that her rulings defied simplistic labels.

With a domestic-violence case as one of the aspects of the inquiry, some lawyers noted her history of interest in that issue. In her role as the chief officer of the sprawling state court system, she made it plain that she had a special commitment to working on the problems of domestic-violence victims.

She created special domestic-violence courts to provide victims with social and other services, saying that the complex cases required an integrated approach that went beyond the letter of the law.

Before she was named to the bench, Judge Kaye was a prominent civil litigator and the first female partner at Olwine, Connelly, Chase, O’Donnell & Weyher, which was one of the city’s blue-chip law firms.

Since she retired from the court, she has been at the law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom.

While there, she headed an investigation into the State University at Binghamton’s athletic scandals that was critical of officials for compromising standards when the school moved into major college athletics. ""


Are You Kidding me, Judith Kaye Investigating anyone for anything is Riddled with Conflicts of Interest, Cronism, Favoritism, Political Ties, Political Favors and will certainly not be unbiased in any way what so ever in my opinion.

As I have been following the Iviewit Technologies Stolen Patent case and It seems to me that when Judith Kaye was Judge, the Criminal did as they pleased and that she allegedly covered up for Trillions of Dollars in Crimes that Proskauer Rose Law Firm was accused of, as in the Alleged Trillion Dollar Iviewit Technologies Stolen Patent.

Remember .. yes Judith Kaye is now a Widow, However, her then Husband was Stephen Kaye a Proskauer Rose Partner - and her whipping boy was Steven Krane.. big wig in New York Ethics and well THEY run New York along with the Connections at Proskauer Rose - which are connected to the Really Big Money and Political Ties and WELL - Judith S. Kaye will Certainly NOT Add ANY credibility to an investigation on ANYONE..

Who is George Bundy Smith... I mean Really.. he thinks Judith S. Kaye adds "Credibility" ARE YOU KIDDING... ???????????

I just see No Way that Judith Kaye adds ANY Credibility to this Investigation.. in My Opinion Judith Kaye .. Ex-Judges adds the Element of ... ok Whew not someone has my Back and I won't get into trouble.. Judge Judy will Hide my Ass and ALL will be Well...

didn't Judith S. Kaye Create that Athletic Scandal... or was some part of creating some smoke screen or diversion so the bad guy could get away.. hmmm.. I cannot keep up with the Alleged Corruption out of New York.. and where there is Alleged Corruption I cannot help but notice a Proskauer Rose Cronie Connection..

"greatest chief judge" "calm political anxieties"???? What a Crock !!!

other links for more information on Judith Kaye, Proskauer Rose and Iviewit Technologies..





posted here by
Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger...


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